EC Specialists Premium (PHF No.: DP000104) L12, Office Tower, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok

醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104): 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊辦公大樓12樓

電腦掃描 CT Scan

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Computed Tomography (CT Scan)

The Siemens SOMATOM Drive that we used in the CT scan is one of the highest-end models on the market. Only 3 machines are available in Hong Kong. This machine can conduct a CT scan in seconds, to collect the entire anatomy of the heart and coronary arteries. It is particularly suitable for identifying myocardial infarction, and lesions in coronary arteries and aorta. The low radiation doses of the CT scanner make the scanning much safer.

CT scan

CT scanner- Siemens SOMATOM Drive

SOMATOM Drive is the high-end model of the Siemens SOMATOM series dual-source CT scanner. It combines speed, accuracy and safety. Only 3 machines are available in Hong Kong. The CT scan process is fast and takes less than the time of one heartbeat to complete the scan. It can collect the entire anatomy of the heart and coronary arteries. The result is more accurate and can capture a clearer image. It is particularly suitable for identifying pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and lesions in the coronary artery and aorta. Another characteristic of this CT scan procedure is its low radiation doses.

The heart CT scan is a non-invasive procedure. It can create detailed pictures of the heart quickly. CT angiography is used to observe the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. The CT coronary angiography is used to diagnose congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries, aortic aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, coronary artery fistula, ductus arteriosus or aortic dissection, left atrial thrombosis and other cardiac problems. It is also used to detect strokes and cerebral haemorrhages, and to diagnose and locate vascular malformations, or tumours with high blood supply. This examination is radioactive and is not suitable for people who are allergic to contrast agents or have renal failure.

Heart CT Scan
CT Coronary Angiography

What is Computed Tomography?

Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a procedure that utilises an X-ray beam to produce multiple projections. The acquired data will be processed by a computer to create multiple cross-sectional images. It enables viewing of the internal structures of different body parts. It is one of the most widely used medical imaging techniques for different body parts. It is used to diagnose infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, tumours, and cancers. SOMATOM Drive is the high-end model of the Siemens SOMATOM series dual-source CT scanner. It combines speed, accuracy and safety. The CT scan process is fast and takes less than the time of one heartbeat to complete the scan. The normal examination procedure takes seconds to finish. It can collect the entire anatomy of the heart and coronary arteries. The result is more accurate and can capture a clearer image. It is particularly suitable for identifying pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and lesions in the coronary artery and aorta.

The novel technology in SOMATOM Drive further improves precision, efficiency and patient safety without compromising image quality. The scanner has unique features of superfast scanning time to minimise breathing and motion artefacts, lower radiation dose, and lesser contrast media requirement. Thus, patient experience can be improved. It also has various advanced clinical applications such as cardiovascular imaging, functional imaging, paediatric and elderly imaging.

CT Scan

What are the advantages of our CT scanner?

We are using  Siemens SOMATOM Drive . It is one of the highest-end models on the market, incorporated with dual source and the latest technology. Only 3 machines are available in Hong Kong.

Our dual-source CT scanner has two sets of x-ray tubes and detectors that can emit X-Ray and acquire data at the same time. In contrast to the conventional single-source CT, dual-source CT can acquire images twice faster.

What should I be aware of prior to and during the CT scan procedure?

Before the procedure

  1. Our medical staff will collect your medical history
  2. Please provide us with your previous medical images and reports, for example, CT scans, MRI or ultrasound scans.
  3. A 4-hour fasting is required prior to the scan. (Applicable for intravenous contrast agent administration CT scan)
  4. You may need to drink the oral contrast to allow a better visualisation (Applicable for abdominal examination)
  5. Please remove all metallic objects, such as watches and jewellery.

During the procedure

  1. Our radiologist will assist you in adjusting your posture to lay comfortably on the patient table.
  2. The table will then gently slide into the machine for screening.
  3. Please be patient, remain still, and follow the breathing techniques provided by the radiologist.
  4. Certain CT scans require intravenous contrast agent administration.
  5. You may experience some weird sensations such as warmth and nausea after the injection. This is a normal reaction and will subside within a few minutes.

After the procedure

  1. You can return to your normal diet.
電腦斷層掃描 注意事項

Points to Note

Please inform our medical staff if:

  1. you are/suspect that you are pregnant
  2. you have ever had allergy to contrast agents
  3. you have asthma, kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease

CT service is available in the following centres:

旺角朗豪坊總店 (醫思專匯 PHF No.: DP000104) L12, Langham Place Office Tower, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok (Mongkok MTR Exit E1) 旺角亞皆老街 8 號朗豪坊辦公大樓 12 樓(旺角地鐵站E1出口)
尖沙咀(康益醫學影像) Room 209-213, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Exit A1) 尖沙咀漢口道 28 號亞太中心 2 樓 209-213 室(尖沙咀地鐵站A1出口)

CT Scan Q&A

A CT scan is not painful and takes only a few minutes to complete.

For your safety, please inform your doctor if you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant before the scan. Your doctor may advise you to postpone the procedure, reduce the dose, or consider another non-radioactive examination (e.g. MRI).

You may experience some weird sensations such as warmth and nausea after the injection. This is a normal reaction which will subside within a few minutes. You are recommended to rest at the centre for about an hour to ensure that you do not feel unwell.

If you have any allergies or are sensitive to contrast agents, you are recommended to inform your doctor. You should also inform the medical staff at the time of the CT scan.

 During a PET-CT scan, a radioactive drug is injected intravenously. The radiation will not affect your body function and you will not feel any discomfort during the procedure. There will be traces of radiation left in the body after the examination. They will decrease over time and will be excreted in your urine. It is recommended to avoid contact with pregnant women and infants on the day of examination.

Avoid consuming foods and drinks with caffeine such as coffee, tea, coke and chocolate for 12 hours prior to the examination.

If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant before the scan, please inform our medical staff. If you have a medical history of allergy or asthma, you may need to take an appropriate amount of steroids 12 hours and 2 hours prior to the scan. If your kidney function is below standard, please seek medical advice from your referring doctor prior to the scan.

Contact Us

We will contact you to confirm the details of the appointment.
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