EC Specialists Premium (PHF No.: DP000104) L12, Office Tower, Langham Place, 8 Argyle Street, Mong Kok

醫思專匯(PHF No. DP000104): 旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊辦公大樓12樓


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X-ray Imaging

HKAI offers a full-body X-ray examination. The convenience and simplicity of X-ray imaging make it ideal and facilitate the medical specialists to carry out a variety of medical diagnoses as well as for initial screening. X-rays are usually done to check for bone fractures, arthritis, heart conditions, lung and digestive disorders, location of foreign objects, etc.

Full Body X-ray for Bone Fractures
Full Body X-ray

X-rays were discovered in 1985 by Wilhelm Röntgen who was a physicist in Germany. He produced the first X-ray images of the human body (hence the name Röntgen rays). He was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for this discovery. The fundamentals of X-ray imaging have remained the same for over 100 years, with technological advancements focusing on safety, speed and accuracy of the image. In addition to providing a painless experience for the patient, the current technology allows imaging to be performed in seconds while minimising radiation exposure.

The simple and handy X-ray makes it the ideal approach for the medical specialists to carry out a variety of medical diagnoses as well as for initial screening, for example:

  1. Bone Fractures
  2. Arthritis
  3. Heart Conditions
  4. Lung Disease
  5. 消化道問題 (例如胃潰瘍、消化道穿孔、腸阻塞等)
  6. Location of Foreign Objects

The X-ray examination in HKAI can be done with our EOS system. The system is capable of simultaneous capture of the frontal and lateral view of the body without repeated shots, the patients can be exposed to lower radiation doses. The EOS imaging delivers 60-90% less radiation as compared with traditional X-rays.


An X-ray is a simple, quick test that requires less than 15 minutes. The exact time depends on the area to be examined. After registration, our staff will guide you to change into the surgical gown. Your personal belongings can be stored in the locker. The radiologist will discuss with you the details of the examination after you have settled in.

Points to Note

如果您已經懷孕或者懷疑自己懷孕,請在檢查前告知我們的職員。 在照X光前,應先脫下金屬物品,例如手錶、頸鍊等,並需要解除衣服上的金屬扣子。

X-ray service is available in the following centres:

Tsim Sha Tsui (AcuScan Advanced Imaging)
Room 209-213, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui (Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Exit A1)
尖沙咀漢口道 28 號亞太中心 2 樓 209-213 室(尖沙咀地鐵站A1出口)
Yuen Long Branch
Shop No.11-12, Block 2, Yuccie Square, 38 On Ning Road, Yuen Long (Long Ping station Exit E)


X-ray Q&A

The radiation dose of X-ray medical imaging is very low. Modern technology allows imaging to be done within seconds with minimal impact on the body.

Accessories such as earrings and necklaces cannot be worn during an X-ray. Your personal belongings can be stored in the locker. You will change into a surgical gown before the test.

A letter of referral issued by a local registered medical practitioner within the last three months is required before an X-ray.




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