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Health Blog Content

The Okra Water Craze: Can It Really Treat Diabetes?

There has been a lot of hype around okra water treating diabetes on the internet lately. Does okra water really have such magical effects? This blog will take a closer look at the connection between okra water and diabetes from a medical perspective.

Introduction of diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by a lack of insulin, reduced response to insulin in the body, or both, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels. Prolonged high blood sugar levels can cause damage to multiple organs and systems in the body, such as the cardiovascular and nervous systems, kidneys and retina.

Introduction of okra

Okra (scientific name: Abelmoschus esculentus) is a plant in the mallow family and the Abelmoschus genus. It originates in Africa and is now widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It is conical in shape and contains rich nutrients such as dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals, etc. Okra has many health benefits, such as combating oxidation and inflammation and lowering blood lipid and sugar levels.


Can okra water treat diabetes?

Okra water is made by soaking fresh okra slices in water for some time, allowing the nutrients to dissolve into the water. Many people claim that okra water can help lower blood sugar levels and benefit diabetics to a certain extent. But is this scientifically proven?

Okra is rich in dietary fibre, which can help slow down digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the postprandial glycaemic response, helping diabetics control their condition to a certain extent.

Okra contains a substance called mucilage polysaccharides, which can help lower blood sugar levels. Some studies have shown that mucilage polysaccharides can enhance insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.

Although okra can help lower blood sugar levels, it does not mean that okra water can treat diabetes.

To effectively lower blood sugar levels by eating okra, an adult would need to eat more than 100 okra per year.

If you rely on dietary methods and stop taking hypoglycaemic drugs, you can hardly manage your blood sugar levels. Treating diabetes requires comprehensive treatment, including medication, diet, exercise, and other health management measures.

Scientifically-proven ways to manage diabetes

Although okra water cannot be used as the primary treatment for diabetes, okra is a nutritious food that can be consumed in moderation to help control blood sugar levels. So, we suggest diabetics customise a suitable dietary plan under the doctor’s guidance and receive medication and exercise therapy at the same time to comprehensively manage their condition.

Diet: Diabetics should control their sugar intake and consume more dietary fibre and low glycaemic index foods, such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and beans. Moderate consumption of okra can also help control blood sugar levels.

Exercise: Diabetics should do regular exercise, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc. Exercising can help increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and lower blood sugar levels.

Medication: Depending on the type and severity of diabetes, the doctor will formulate an appropriate medication plan, such as insulin injections, oral hypoglycaemic drugs, etc. Patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take medication on time.


Blood glucose monitoring: Diabetics should regularly monitor their blood sugar levels to evaluate the treatment effect and adjust the treatment plan timely.

If you have any doubts about the methods of managing diabetes, please consult a professional doctor and do not blindly believe in online rumours.

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Source: Qualigenics

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