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Health Blog Content

Cataract Self-Test: Watch Out for These 5 Symptoms

Cataracts are a common eye issue and one of the three leading causes of blindness in Hong Kong. Cataracts can be caused by a variety of factors, but ageing is the biggest one. Usually, people aged around 60 years old start to become at risk for cataracts. The lens of the eye degenerates naturally with age and becomes cloudy, leading to vision loss. Yet, cataracts are also showing a trend towards younger age groups in recent years. Long-term use of electronic products like computers and smartphones can cause eye fatigue and increase the chance of cataracts.

Plus, prolonged exposure to the sun, smoking, excess drinking and diabetes can also increase the risk of cataracts. When the condition worsens, it can impair vision permanently and even lead to blindness! So, no matter how old you are, it’s important to take care of your eyes, practice good eye hygiene, let your eyes rest from time to time and get regular check-ups.

Now you may wonder whether there’re any ways to check for cataracts on your own. Yes! You should watch out for these 5 common symptoms of cataracts:


1.Blurry vision: When the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, the light cannot focus properly on the retina, resulting in blurry vision and difficulty in identifying objects.

2.Glares: Light can scatter and form glares, making patients feel dizzy or uncomfortable when looking at light sources, especially while driving at night

3.Fading of colours: The patient’s perception of colour will be impaired. Some shades may appear faded and no longer vibrant to them.

4.Double or multiple vision in a single eye: Refractive errors can lead to double or multiple vision, i.e., seeing two or more images of the same thing.

5.Changes in eyeglass prescription (myopia, astigmatism): The dioptre of patients may change, leading to changes in myopia or astigmatism degrees.

If you don’t experience any of the above symptoms, congratulations! You can continue to take good care of your eyes. But if you spot any of the above signs, seek help from an eye doctor for a comprehensive check-up and prompt treatment to restore your vision. The most common way to treat cataracts is surgery, where the doctor will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with an artificial one. It has a high success rate of improving eyesight and low risks.


Cataracts are a severe eye condition that should be taken seriously. We hope this blog helps you understand them better and take steps towards protecting your eyes!

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Source: EC EYE

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