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Why does my Skin Get Irritated When the Season Changes?

As the days start to get shorter, thus signifying fall’s return, you may begin to notice some not-so-fun changes in your skin: dry and itchy skin, redness, swelling, soreness and even rashes. Why do skin irritations develop from season to season? What can be done to improve the symptoms and take care of the skin?

Skin allergy due to foreign intrusion

A range of bacteria and viruses are present in the living environment. The human body has a well-developed immune system and our largest immune organ skin is the first line of defence.

When foreign substances (e.g. pathogens) try to invade our body, the skin blocks them from entering our body and destroys them through our immune system. However, sometimes the immune system mistakenly perceives substances that are harmless as "invaders" and overreacts to them, resulting in skin irritation.

The dry weather in autumn and winter tends to make the skin lose moisture fast and the epidermis lacks lipids, thus taking its toll on the skin barrier and making the skin fragile, battered and cranky.

Allergies happen when skin barrier becomes disrupted

When the skin's stratum corneum itself is damaged or cracked, other immune cells in the body will block the invasion of foreign substances, releasing a chemical called histamine, which causes our skin to become red and itchy. Other factors such as food, various allergens, stress and psychological factors such as anxiety can lead to persistent skin irritation.

Ways to help relieve weather allergies

- Medication - for severe skin allergies, doctors may prescribe oral or topical steroids/antihistamines or other related ointments.

- Phototherapy - relieves itchy skin

- Drink plenty of nourishing soups

- Slather your body with lotion to prevent dryness and itchy skin

- Identify your allergens, e.g. by taking blood tests, and stay away from them

- Choose cotton clothing and avoid allergy-prone materials such as wool

- Avoid high water temperatures when bathing or cleaning the skin

- Keep the environment hygienic and free from dust mites

Source: Medical News

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