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Symptoms Checklist: Do You Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

Do you suffer from dry, gritty and painful eyes, but find frequent eyedrops a day useless? If your eye condition worsens to this degree, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome! If left untreated, the condition may damage the cornea, resulting in inflammation and ulcers. It can consequently lead to vision loss, and even blindness in severe cases, therefore should never be underestimated! Check if you experience the following symptoms of dry eye syndrome. If you identify some of them, you should receive an assessment and treatment from an ophthalmologist immediately!

Common symptoms of dry eye syndrome

  1. Pain and even a burning sensation in the eyes

  2. A foreign body sensation in both eyes

  3. Reflex tearing due to dryness

  4. Photophobia

  5. Dry, red and swollen eyes

  6. Temporary blurred vision

Causes of dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is mainly caused by inadequate production of tears to lubricate the eyes. Common causes include:

  • Ageing eyes: People aged 40 or above

  • Immune disorders: For example, Sjögren's syndrome reduces the moisture secretion of glands in the body, such as the salivary and lacrimal glands. Other disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis also reduce tear production.

  • Laser eye surgery: Some people may have temporary dry eyes after laser eye surgery.

  • Damaged lacrimal glands due to inflammation or exposure to radiation

  • Medications: People taking medications such as antidepressants, contraceptive pills, or hormone supplements due to menopausal syndrome may also experience decreased tear production.

  • Vitamin A deficiency 

  • Other conditions: Disorders such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism may also affect tear production.

Treatment for dry eye syndrome

The objectives of dry eye syndrome treatment are relieving dry eyes and preventing further cornea damage. Initial treatment aims at increasing the moisture in the eyes by:

Using artificial tears;

Applying eye ointment or gel;

Using a warm compress or massage to stimulate tear production.

If you suspect that you may have dry eye syndrome, consult an ophthalmologist and receive a comprehensive eye examination to facilitate prompt treatment and prevent irreversible damage.

Source: EC EYE

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