Spinal Manipulation: A World Apart from TCM Massage and Bone Setting! Chiropractor Shares the Principles and Tools Involved

Many patients who are unfamiliar with chiropractic care often have these questions: Does a chiropractor perform spinal manipulation? How does it differ from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) massage or bone setting? Is it safe?
Chiropractors restore the normal functioning of the nervous system through spinal manipulation
Let's start with a brief history of chiropractic care. The word "chiro" comes from the ancient Greek word meaning "hand." So, traditional chiropractors use manual techniques to correct subluxated vertebrae and provide treatment for patients. As mentioned in my previous article "Why Do We Need Chiropractic Care Even with No Pain?", spinal subluxation can lead to various health issues. When the vertebrae return to their proper position, the nervous system can begin to repair the body and help it recover gradually. This is the principle behind spinal manipulation.
Therefore, when performing spinal manipulation, chiropractors not only address the injured site, but more importantly, work towards restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system and promoting overall health. Therefore, chiropractic care is not limited to treating isolated symptoms. It is a holistic approach that aims to improve the spine structure. As daily postures, accidental injuries and wear and tear injuries can all cause spinal subluxation, it is recommended to undergo regular chiropractic examinations and spinal manipulations.
Identifying the primary subluxation is the only way to resolve the issue
This form of treatment was founded in 1895 by Dr D.D. Palmer, the first chiropractor in the United States. After more than a century of clinical practice, modern chiropractic care has not only continued to utilize hands but has also developed other methods of spinal manipulation. Since each individual's physical condition is different, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the patient's medical history and physical condition before proceeding with any manipulations. Otherwise, improper manipulations may not only fail to help the patient but also worsen their condition. Moreover, pain or discomfort in one site can be due to a secondary subluxation caused by a primary subluxation in another area. If the primary subluxation is not addressed, solely treating the secondary subluxation to relieve symptoms may not completely resolve the issue.
Accidents related to spinal manipulation are extremely rare
Before the first treatment session, chiropractors will thoroughly assess the patient's physical condition by conducting a series of examinations. This may include diagnostic imaging tests such as X-rays or MRIs to analyze the primary issues and actual condition of the patient. Based on this information, chiropractors will determine the most suitable spinal manipulation approach and treatment to correct the subluxation. For patients who are not suitable for manual manipulation, such as infants, pregnant women, seniors, or individuals with chronic conditions, chiropractors will utilize specialized tools for treatment, such as the Activator method/TRT Integrator, SOT Block, Atlas Orthogonal, and CBP (Chiropractic Biophysics). This can safely and precisely facilitate the patient’s recovery. According to a research report, the rate of severe accidents resulting from spinal manipulation is approximately 6 incidents per 100,000 treatment sessions, which is a very low rate. Therefore, you can stay relaxed when receiving spinal manipulation.
Tools used in spinal manipulation
TRT Integrator
SOT block
Atlas Orthogonal
CBP – Chiropractic Biophysics